Monday 2 May 2011

What a Royal Wedding means for modern society

Two billion people, including myself watching the wedding of the year, maybe the decade and perhaps the century.

Why? It begs the question.
Disney in reality.

Entertainment ? The sheer beauty ?

Because others do too?

Probably. But also something more deep. The wedding symbolizes a stable point of reference. A generational peg. In a modern world punctuated by contradictory values and visions, what is more reassuring than a good old royal wedding? A family in place for nearly 1000 years, and a collective imagination full of fairy dust. An illusion of transcendence!!

It serves a public and global rite of passage, a kind of godly baptism or bar-mitzvah. Obviously, not a wedding because this is to do with the individual in his individuality, not in relation to another specific.
An event that binds all of us, as something shared and valued, though only in one's imagination and mind.

"Thank you and good bye, you may all now return to economic serfdom in personal insecurity, where nothing nor anyone is right or wrong, but only potent or impotent, now that we have kissed and stopped world activity for 2 days. "


  1. What's that quote from? I like how it underlines the triviality of the whole event. Personally, I considered it to be a distraction like so many other obsessions that the media happily caters to.

  2. Thanks for following Louis. The quote is from my satirical imagination !
